With its partners and associates, and its close links to a network of organisations (research and advocacy institutions, and NGOs) and practitioners around the world, EDS-International is able to assemble top class teams of experts, tailored to specific tasks and challenges.



The Ciera Group, Calgary, Canada [President: Miles Scott-Brown] provides environmental environmental and social consulting services in support of sustainable infrastructure projects, including mining and energy – oil and gas, hydroelectric, wind, solar and geothermal.

Website: https://www.cieragroup.com/

Danish Centre for Environmental Assessment

[Director: Professor Lone Kornøv]:  DCEA is an  inter-disciplinary research and policy engagement centre within the Planning Department of Aalborg University. It focuses on connecting environmental impact assessment practice to theories of decision-making and governance, engaging with governance, business and civil society. Click here to access the DCEA website.

Integra Consulting

[Managing Partners: Jiri Dusik & Martin Smutny]:    Integra Consulting is based in Prague, Czech Republic, and undertakes work on SEA, EIA, environmental mainstreaming, sustainable development, climate change and eco-innovations. Click here to access the Integra website


[Director: Dr Jeremy Carew-Reid]:  ICEM is an independent public interest centre, based in Hanoi, Vietnam, that works with governments, the private sector and communities to help define and implement policies for ecologically sustainable development. It provide technical advisory services on climate change, biodiversity conservation, water resources, energy and integrated assessments. Click here to access the ICEM website


[Director: Dr Peter Tarr]:   The Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment is a non-profit Environmental Trust, whose mission is to support sustainable development in Southern Africa through promoting the effective and efficient use of Environmental Assessment as a planning tool. Click here to access the SAIEA website


Total Management Services (TMS) Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Nepali consulting company. Established in 2002, It is  ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 9001:2015 certified. TMS provides quality engineering and management consultancy services by following an approach of ‘TOTAL’ or ‘integrated management’ in its services. TMS provides wide ranging services covering review, planning, design, implementation supervision & management, and monitoring & evaluation of hard infrastructure projects as well as soft infrastructure projects including institutional development and capacity building of its clients. 

TMS provides “specific specialized as well as multidisciplinary services”. It’s areas of expertise include: Energy & Power, Urban Development & Water Supply, Transportation & Civil Aviation, Agriculture, Forestry & Rural Development, Social & Community Development, Education & Training, Economic & Finance, ICT, Governance & Administration, and Irrigation. Click here to access the TMS website


CEGIS provides advisory services, research, databases and training in various fields including environment, geographic information system, remote sensing for a wide group of national and international organisations to enhance efficiency in planning, implementation and monitoring of projects and programs.  


KPMG is a global organization of independent professional services firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. KPMG firms operate in 144 countries and territories with more than 236,000 partners and employees working in member firms around the world.



EDS-International works with the following experts on joint assignments or in a team format.

Dr david Annandale

Dr David Annandale is an international environmental and education policy consultant, focusing on SEA, EIA, and environmental safeguards procedures. He has 30 years of experience in assignments for the ADB, World Bank, UNDP, UNEP, IUCN, UNIDO, Inter-American Development Bank, and DANIDA. He has worked on a broad range of projects concerned with institution strengthening, capacity building, legal/regulation/policy development, climate change adaptation, and management guidelines.

For 13 years, Dr Annandale was a tenured academic at Murdoch University in Australia, ending up as Dean of the School of Environmental Science, and he has worked as an academic advisor on AusAID scholarship programmes in Vietnam, Pakistan, and Maldives. He is a British-Australian dual national, with Canadian permanent residence, and lives on Vancouver Island.


Elizabeth Brito has over 30 years experience in various sectors (extractive industries, infrastructure, housing) working on both private and public sector projects throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. She recently retired as a Senior Environment Specialist in the Environmental Safeguard Unit of the Inter-American Development Bank. Formerly, she held various positions in the State Environmental Agency (FEEMA) of Brazil including Technical Adviser to the President, and has worked as an independent consultant for various international organisations including UNEP and IUCN. During 1995-99, Ms Brito was an Assistant Professor (Environmental Management) at the Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro. She is fluent in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.

Peter Croal

Peter Croal is based in Canada and has over 32 years  of international development  experience covering: environment program management; strategic environmental assessment;  natural resource development; community engagement, indigenous peoples and capacity-building, particularly related to the extractives sector; teaching, sustainable development, poverty reduction, and environment governance  through employment with the private sector, Canadian federal government and NGOs, including municipal, local and developing country field experience. He developed, implemented and managed a World Bank-supported environmental capacity-building program for the South African Development Community, while based in Namibia, which was awarded "Project of the Year" by the International Association of Public Participation.  Peter served as Chair of the OECD DAC SEA Task Team whilst working for the Canadian International Development Agency. He recently retired from CIDA to operate as a freelance consultant, and has been appointed to McGill University's Leadership Council.


During his career, Dr David Dent has held positions as Director of ISRIC-World Soil Information; Leader of the Management Support Program of the Australian National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality1999-2003; and Senior Lecturer at the School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia (1970-2002). He also worked with the Soil Survey of Scotland (1965-68). 

His consultancy experience covers scientific, practical and policy aspects of the use and management of land resources, advising governments, international organisations, multinationals and private companies, and he has worked in every continent. His recent work includes: a Global Assessment of Land Degradation and Improvement (GEF/UNEP/FAO 2006-9 and updated 2014); developing Green Water Credits - a global mechanism to tackle poverty and implement soil and   water conservation (IFAD/Swiss Development Cooperation 2006-11); and coordinating Lead Author of Global Environmental Outlook GEO4 (UNEP 2007). 

Dr Dent has published numerous journal papers and 16 books including three co-authored with Barry Dalal-Clayton:; Knowledge of the Land (OUP 2001); Rural Planning in Developing Countries, Earthscan 2003; and Meeting the Need for Land Resources Information in the 21st Century – or Not (IIED 2014).


Dr. Green has over forty years of experience as an environmental scientist and policy analyst researching and analyzing natural resources and environmental issues focusing on land use, habitat assessment, tropical deforestation, protected area management, coastal resource management, biodiversity, surface water, and environmental and social risk and impact assessments. In his early career, Dr. Green conducted field work as a tropical ecologist focusing on primates and forest conservation in Latin America and Asia. He has participated in numerous bilateral and multilateral support operations, sector investments and feasibility assessments. He has worked for the USEPA, World Bank, SDC, IFC, USAID, IDB, UNDP, Smithsonian, CIDA, and OAS and numerous state, local and NGO organizations. Dr. Green has extensive knowledge of World Bank safeguards, IFC Performance Standards and other IFI and bilateral environmental and social due diligence policies and procedures. He has worked on dozens of ESIAs/ESMPs/ESMFs and SESAs in World Bank and other international development projects and has conducted evaluations and assessments across several agencies and implementing organizations for multiple donors. 


Professor (emeritus) Thor Larsen is attached to the Department of International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric, at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. He is also Secretary General for the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research and a Senior Advisor at UNEP/GRID-Arendal. His professional background includes more than 40 years with research, management and project implementation in the Arctic, Europe, Africa, Asia and Central America. He has been in charge of scientific programmes, budgets and logistics, overall field operations, administration and supervision of personnel in the field and in laboratories, and report writing and publishing. He is currently working with interdisciplinary research and management challenges, in the interphases between ecology, resource economics, social sciences, legislation/ regulations and institutional capacity building. 

Professor Larsen’s has extensive experience in ecological research, management of wildlife, natural resources and protected areas, conservation, sustainable use of natural resources, and community based natural resource development. He has published 110 scientific articles, 8 books, (6 with international editions), numerous newspaper and magazine contributionsand has contributed to 19 film and TV productions. He was awarded the Order of the Golden Ark by H.R.H. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands in 2000.


Peter Nelson is an environmental planner and natural resources specialist who has worked extensively on Strategic Environmental Assessment and Sustainability Appraisal over the last 15 years, focusing particularly on Africa and Eastern Europe. He has led SEA teams in South Africa, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi and Sierra Leone, and contributed to the work of the OECD DAC SEA Task Team. He retains a role as Associated Principle of Land Use Consultants whilst operating independently for "Planning Green Futures".

Barry Sadler

Barry Sadler is based in Canada. He is an independent consultant on environmental impact assessment (EIA and SEA), and former adviser to a number of international organisations including UNEP. He has written numerous books, monographs and papers. With Barry Dalal-Clayton, he co-authored two sourcebooks and reference guides: one on strategic environmental assessment (Earthscan 2005); a second on sustainability appraisal (Routledge 2014). 


Dr Peter Tarr is the Executive Director of the Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA), based in Namibia. He has 30 years experience as a conservationist and environmentalist. He has conducted, guided and reviewed over 100 EIAs and EMPs for developments in various sectors throughout Africa; and has led multi-disciplinary teams for many strategic environmental assessments in various SADC countries, covering agricultural and tourism developments, uranium mining, national development plans and regional land use plans, and the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Through SAIEA, he is also involved in capacity building initiatives, conducting training needs assessments, developing and delivering training courses mostly in African countries, but also overseas.

Professor Riki Therivel

Professor Riki Therivel is a partner of Levett-Therivel sustainability consultants. She specialises in environmental and social impact assessment at the policy and plan level, and in resilience assessment. She has been involved in a range of high-profile SEAs both in the UK and abroad; has supported a wide range of authorities from the national to the sub-local level in their SEAs; and has written/edited many articles and books on these subjects. Riki teaches environmental impact assessment and SEA MSc courses in Environmental Assessment and Management at the Planning Department at Oxford Brookes University's. In 2002-3 she received Individual Award from the International Association for Impact Assessment's Individual Award for her contribution to the development of SEA and excellence in teaching and research.

Bryony Walmsley

Based in Cape Town, Bryony Walmsley is Manager of the Southern African Institute for Southern Africa (SAIEA), South Africa, and has more than 34 years’ experience in environmental consulting, starting in Canada in 1980.  She has lived and worked in southern Africa since 1983.  She has extensive experience in all aspects of EIA practice, including participating and managing large EIAs for infrastructure and mining projects throughout Southern Africa.  More recently, she has participated in multi-disciplinary teams for several SEAs on a diverse range of policies, programmes, sector and regional developments.  

Ms Walmsley has conducted numerous independent, external reviews for a range of clients including Development Finance Institutions (World Bank, IFC, Nedbank, National Westminster Bank, etc), the governments of South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, and Botswana, project proponents for large capital projects throughout southern Africa, international consultants and civil society. She is the author of several books and other publications.


Louise Tricklebank has over 15 years’ experience in embedding sustainability into policy and the planning system in the UK and overseas. She is a clear strategic thinker who is used to tackling complex subject matter, quickly getting to the heart of problems on behalf of clients. She has undertaken a wide variety of work largely focusing on environmental and sustainability policy development, implementation, guidance and evaluation. Louise has significant knowledge and experience of land use and natural resource planning, often taking a landscape or ecosystem approach. She has particular skills and experience of working in both conservation and heritage protected areas (National Parks and World Heritage Sites).  


Miles Scott-Brown is a specialist in environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment and cumulative impact assessment. He has been responsible for the preparation, coordination and review of over 30 major EIAs and associated projects during his 25-year career. Many of these projects have been for infrastructure and energy projects in western Canada and around the world. He has significant experience with the preparation of environmental and social impact assessment to International Finance Institution standards. Miles has led a number of EIAs, SEAs, CIAs and compliance monitoring for energy development projects in Asia, the Americas and Africa and has a thorough understanding of the environmental and social approval requirements and stipulations of international banking organizations, including the IFC Performance Standards and the Equator Principles.